Issue 4/2018, 110. Volume Page 312–325
Till-Sebastian Idel, Sven Pauling
School Development and Addressing
A Culture-Theoretical and Social-Practices Perspective on School Development
Regarding a given example of school reform, this article focusses on the development of schools from a culture-theoretical and social-practices perspective. School development is seen as a powerful bundle of “addressings,” in which normative orders of acknowledgements are created. From that point of view, the process of making teachers creative and innovative actors in the collaborative working on change and in finding solutions for problems is analyzed, based on qualitative data.
school development, collaborative work of teachers, culture theory, theory of social practices, acknowledgement
APA citation
Idel, T. & Pauling S. (2018). Schulentwicklung und Adressierung: Kulturtheoretisch-praxeologische Perspektiven auf Schulentwicklungsarbeit. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 110(4), 312-325.