Issue 4/2017, 109. Volume Page 322–333
Sina-Mareen Köhler, Daniel Goldmann, Bettina Zapf, Sabine Bunert
University Entrance Qualification at Vocational Schools from Students’ Perspectives
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The Berufskolleg, the vocational school type in North Rhine-Westphalia, offers versatile opportunities of vocational education. How young adults perceive this period of qualification and what significance the Berufskolleg has for the transition, will be discussed in this article based on a longitudinal study. Using narrative interviews, not only the biographical significance of the Berufskolleg and the concepts, which are relevant for the process of vocational orientation, are reconstructed, but also the related habitual orientations of young adults.
vocational training, school to work transition, social inequality, school careers, longitudinal study
APA citation
Köhler, S., Goldmann, D., Zapf, B. & Bunert S. (2017). Der Erwerb der (Fach-)Hochschulreife als Option im Berufsbildungssystem aus Sicht von Schülerinnen und Schülern. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 109(4), 322-333.