Issue 3/2017, 40. Volume Page 11–17
Björn Risch, Karla Blöcher, Anne-Katrin Holfelder, Marie Schehl, Philip Weinberger
Konzept und Praxis des Zertifikats „Bildung – Transformation – Nachhaltigkeit (BTN)“ – BNE in der Lehrerbildung
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Today we face many global challenges such as climate change, biodiversity loss or shortage of resources. But what are the reasons? Are there sustainable solutions? And how to give students an understanding of these sustainability problems as well as competencies to assess them? Teachers should play a predominant role in developing competencies to promote sustainable development. However, despite many declarations, little has been achieved in terms of embedding education for sustainable development (ESD) holistically in the curriculum of teacher training. Since winter semester 2016/17, teacher students of all school types and subjects of the University Koblenz-Landau have the possibility to attend the certificate Bildung – Transformation – Nachhaltigkeit (Education – Transformation – Sustainability). In five modules, the certificate offers teacher students, of all disciplines and school forms the opportunity to engage scientifically, multiperspectively and practice-oriented with aspects of sustainable development. This certificate shows a way to implement ESD in teacher education.
Teacher Education, Education for Sustainable Development, Certificate
APA citation
Risch, B., Blöcher, K., Holfelder, A., Schehl, M. & Weinberger P. (2017). Konzept und Praxis des Zertifikats „Bildung – Transformation – Nachhaltigkeit (BTN)“ – BNE in der Lehrerbildung. ZEP – Zeitschrift für internationale Bildungsforschung und Entwicklungspädagogik, 40(3), 11-17.