Issue 2/2017, 109. Volume Page 128–145
Richard Heinen, Michael Kerres
“Education in a Digital World” as a Challenge for Schools
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The current discussion about computers for teaching and learning follows a new perspective: Media literacy, so far, most often has been perceived as competence to be learned additionally to other competences. Digitization, however, increasingly penetrates all sectors of our culture, and challenges schools in a much broader sense. It does not only relate to new technologies for learning and teaching, it also challenges, for example, learning objectives and the way schools operate. The article explains how school development can be organized to align to these changes. It focuses on the potential of regional networks of schools, where schools can profit from the mutual exchange of concepts and experiences.
digitization, school development, regional networks, media literacy
APA citation
Heinen, R. & Kerres M. (2017). „Bildung in der digitalen Welt“ als Herausforderung für Schule. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 109(2), 128-145.