Asta Vonderau

On the Poetics of Infrastructure

Technologies of Cooling and Imagination in Digital Capitalism


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This article examines the downside of digitization processes – industrial and infrastructural locations that facilitate virtual connectivity and collectivities. Based on the case of Facebook’s data center in the Northern Swedish town of Luleå, the article describes processes of cloud infrastructuring. In the course of such infrastructuring processes, various technologies, communities of actors, stocks of knowledge and expertise, moral values, and organizational structures come together, new socio-technical figuration emerge, and social change is enabled. Particular attention is given to imaginings as a practice of knowledge production inherent to processes of infrastructuring. The article links what appears as merely virtual data flows to material and political channels, revealing their multiple local entanglements.

digitization, infrastructure, Facebook, Sweden

APA citation
Vonderau A. (2017). Zur Poetik der Infrastruktur: Technologien des Kühlens und der Imagination im digitalen Kapitalismus. Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 113(1), 24-41.