Issue 1/2017, 109. Volume Page 28–42
Christine Demmer, Martin Heinrich, Anika Lübeck
Role Clarification as Key Professionalization Challenge with Regard to Inclusive Schooling
A Subject-oriented Concept for Teacher Training, Using the Example of Paraprofessionals
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Based on the diagnosed demand for a professional role clarification regarding the cooperation in multiprofessional teams in inclusive schools, it will be exposed how case studies work structurally especially well as starting points for teacher training concepts, as they can rely on practical material and can take place in the mode of a multiprofessional negotiation about roles and competences. Using the example of a short case study on a failed form of cooperation development by a school leader towards a paraprofessional, the potential of case studies for training concepts will be illustrated.
inclusive schooling, role clarification, multiprofessional teams, multiprofessional cooperation, teacher training
APA citation
Demmer, C., Heinrich, M. & Lübeck A. (2017). Rollenklärung als zentrale Professionalisierungsherausforderung im Berufsfeld Schule angesichts von Inklusion: Zur gegenstandsorientierten Konzeption einer Lehrerfortbildung am Beispiel von Schulbegleitungen. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 109(1), 28-42.