Issue 2/2016, 15. Volume Page 201–220
Stefan Silvestrini, Reinhard Stockmann
Meta-Evaluation of German TVET-Projects – Methodology and Methodological Results
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Meta-evaluations and cross-section analyses are useful tools for creating additional knowledge from a series of evaluations that exceeds the findings provided by the individual analyses. The Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) has mandated the Center for Evaluation (CEval) to conduct such an analysis of evaluation reports and further publications in the field of Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET). This article outlines the benefit of an analytical approach that was particularly developed for and applied during the research process which is based on the Grounded Theory Methodology (GTM). It further shows the factors identified in the study which demonstrably have an influence on the success of a project, respectively its assessment (cross section analysis). One interesting finding in that regard is that the assessment does not only depend on project characteristics but also the timing of the evaluation. Finally, methodological deficits are highlighted which question the validity and reliability of the evaluation results as well as the adequacy of their implementation (meta-evaluation).
Meta-evaluation, Cross Section Analysis, Technical Vocational Education and Training (TVET), German Development Cooperation
APA citation
Silvestrini, S. & Stockmann R. (2016). Meta-Evaluation und Querschnittsauswertung von Projekten zur Berufsbildungsförderung – Methoden und methodische Ergebnisse. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 15(2), 201-220.