Issue 4/2015, 107. Volume Page 365–374
Potential and Procedure of Linking Survey Data with Individual Level School Statistical Data and Performance Data in the Project EIBISCH
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The joint project “Evaluation of Inclusive Education in Schools” (EIBISCH), initiated by the University of Hamburg and the Institute for Education Monitoring and Quality Development (IfBQ) on behalf of the Hamburg Ministry of Education and Vocational Training (BSB), evaluates the introduction of inclusive education in schools in Hamburg. A project group with members of the University of Hamburg and IfBQ was formed. The approach of data aggregation used in EIBISCH exemplifies how data protection challenges arising from a combination of individual data from different sources can be solved by the involvement of a “trusted third party”.
inclusion, evaluation, panel analysis, data protection, trusted third party
APA citation
Fickermann, D. & Doll J. (2015). Potential und Technik der Verknüpfung von Befragungsdaten mit schulstatistischen Individualdaten und Leistungsdaten im Projekt EIBISCH. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 107(4), 365-374.