Sylvia Schütze

The Prussian Edict from 1854 about Teacher Training Colleges – Standards for Teacher Training?


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The “Preußische Regulativ, den Unterricht in den evangelischen Schullehrer-Seminarien der Monarchie betreffend” [Prussian Edict about Instruction at Protestant Teacher Training Colleges in the Monarchy], from 1854 has been one of the first national standardization attempts for teacher training. By means of a unitization of required qualifications and curricula, an overall improvement of teacher training and thus of the standards of the schools should be reached. This regulation is considered to be an important step towards a growing professionalization of teachers and the modernization of the Prussian education system. With regard to contents and direction of impact, the measure was yet perceived quite differently by educators and politicians. This article wants to show the management approaches of politics and administration, to contextualize the edict with regard to the contemporary discourse, to comment on it with regard to its effects, and finally to confront it with the current “Standards for Teacher Education”.

standards, teacher training, professionalization, modernization, public management

APA citation
Schütze S. (2014). Das preußische Regulativ für den Seminarunterricht von 1854 – Standards für die Lehrerbildung?. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 106(4), 324-343.