Issue 2/2014, 13. Volume Page 211–242
Self-Assessment of Evaluation Competencies: An Exploratory Study on Factor Structure and Group Differences
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This paper describes the development of an item battery for the self-assessment of evaluation competencies. The instrument development draws on a literature review of existing taxonomies of evaluation competencies and approaches to their empirical assessment. The full version of the instrument comprises 39 items which mainly refer to the competency profiles issued by the German language ‘Evaluation Society’ (DeGEval 2004). Based on factor analyses, a short version with six dimensions was generated: theory and history of evaluation, evaluation management, quantitative methods, qualitative methods, organizational knowledge, and social and personal competencies. A trial study generated miscellaneous exploratory findings on group differences of self-rated evaluation competency and demonstrated the applicability of the item battery for research on evaluation. Another possible application is the training of evaluation where it can be used for needs analyses or assessments of learning progress.
Evaluation Competencies, Survey, Factor Analysis, Teaching and Training of Evaluation
APA citation
Hense J. (2014). Selbsteinschätzung von Evaluationskompetenzen: eine explorative Studie zu Faktorenstruktur und gruppenbezogenen Unterschieden. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 13(2), 211-242.