Marisa Richter

School Libraries in Germany

An Empirical Analysis of the Existence and Quality of School Libraries According to School Structures


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International studies have shown that school libraries are a suitable instrument to promote literacy. However, in Germany school libraries have not been in the educational and scientific focus so far. A survey of school principals was performed in the context of the National Report on Education in 2012, thus contributing current data on school libraries. This article reports on the results of this survey and introduces the school library as a new field in educational research.

school libraries, quality of school libraries, promoting literacy, survey of school principals, National Report on Education

APA citation
Richter M. (2014). Schulbibliotheken in Deutschland: Eine empirische Analyse des Vorhandenseins und der Qualität von Schulbibliotheken nach Schulstrukturmerkmalen. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 106(3), 252-263.