Issue 4/2013, 105. Volume Page 382–401
Gunther Dahm, Caroline Kamm, Christian Kerst, Alexander Otto, Andrä Wolter
“Silent Revolution?”
The Changing Access to Higher Education for Non-Traditional Students in Germany
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The opening of higher education institutions for non-traditional students in Germany has increasingly gained attention in recent years. This paper presents the debates on education and labour market policy, regulations on access to higher education as well as measures connected with this process and deals with the question to what extent the latter are reflected in the actual participation of non-traditional students.
access to higher education, non-traditional students, university research, lifelong learning, „third course of education“
APA citation
Dahm, G., Kamm, C., Kerst, C., Otto, A. & Wolter A. (2013). „Stille Revolution?“: Der Hochschulzugang für nicht-traditionelle Studierende im Umbruch. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 105(4), 382-401.