Issue 3/2013, 105. Volume Page 295–304
Katharina Maag Merki, Silke Werner
School Improvement Research
Current Focuses and Further Perspectives
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Throughout the past years, school improvement research has altered the perspective on its object of research. Key component of this short report is the discussion of three recent approaches to school improvement research by means of presenting short examples and an examination of their potentials. We conclude that the preservation of school improvement research as an independent field of study is essential and that methodologically broad approaches to school improvement should guide future research in the field.
school improvement, school improvement research, research methods
APA citation
Maag Merki, K. & Werner S. (2013). Schulentwicklungsforschung: Aktuelle Schwerpunkte und zukünftige Forschungsperspektiven. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 105(3), 295-304.