Dani Schrire

Anthropology, European Ethnology, Folklore-Studies: Max Grunwald and the multiple historical meanings of Volkskunde

Max Grunwald und die vielen historischen Bedeutungen der Volkskunde

Shortlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART101258

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In this article I discuss the concept of “Volk” as it was formulated by Max Grunwald, the founder of jüdische Volkskunde (1871–1953). I show that his concept of “Volk” constructed a vision of Jewish culture as multiplicity in ways that stood in opposition to sociological views of Jewish cultural singularity that was occasionally formulated in racial terms. I trace Grunwald’s conceptual legacy as it continued shaping the development of folklore-studies in Israel. I suggest viewing this legacy not as an „exception“ to the history of Volkskunde. Rather, I argue that in the context of the internationalization of studies of cultures, disciplinary history ought to accommodate different perspectives that may enable viewing jüdische Volkskunde and its continuities in folklore-studies in Israel as part of an entangled history with Volkskunde/European Ethnology.

internationalization, Volk, Rasse, Max Grunwald, history of Volkskunde

APA citation
Schrire D. (2013). Anthropologie, Europäische Ethnologie, Folklore-Studien: : Max Grunwald und die vielen historischen Bedeutungen der Volkskunde. Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 109(1), 29-54. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART101258