Martin Rothland

Die Wirkung des Sabbatjahrs auf das arbeitsbezogene Bewältigungsverhalten von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern


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By sabbaticals for teachers specific effects are expected, which make it seem as an established, but in the research rarely noticed intervention and prevention measure. In a longitudinal study with three occasions before, during and after the leave, the effect of longterm career breaks on work-related behavior and experience patterns (AVEM) will be reviewed on the basis of a sample of 126 teachers. The results show changes at the level of individual dimensions of AVEM especially in the area of the factors of work engagement. At the cluster level, changes in the terms of an improvement due to the reduction in the risk pattern B were observed. Changes towards the desirable pattern G are rare or even non-existent. Based on the distribution of the work-related behavior and experience patterns, however, none of the identified changes are statistically significant.

sabbatical leave, teaching profession, work-related behavior and experience patterns, intervention, teacher stress

APA citation
Rothland M. (2013). Die Wirkung des Sabbatjahrs auf das arbeitsbezogene Bewältigungsverhalten von Lehrerinnen und Lehrern. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 105(1), 102-116.