Hermann Heidrich

Dinge verstehen. Materielle Kultur aus Sicht der Europäischen Ethnologie

Shortlink: https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART101067

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The examination of historical or present material culture is a classical area of ethnological research which has been focused upon with varying interest. The article deals with discourses and questions of European Ethnology („Volkskunde“) concerning objects, it takes up impulses from classical ethnological studies – in particular Bourdieu’s habitus concept – and discusses perspectives of a modern analysis of object culture: the perspective of handling things (actions) and the perspective of meaning – both embedded into contexts. Theoretically more substantiated the occupation with material culture, which is currently more or less reserved to museums, could be of epistemological interest also for the academia.

APA citation
Heidrich H. (2007). Dinge verstehen. Materielle Kultur aus Sicht der Europäischen Ethnologie. Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 103(2), 223-236. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART101067