Issue 1/2011, 10. Volume
Reinhard Stockmann, Wolfgang Meyer, Hanna Schenke
Independence of Evaluations
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Evaluations should be as objective as possible for generating knowledge in accordance with recognized scientific principles, so that this can be a rational basis for decisions. However, decision makers also act as sponsors for this knowledge generation and thus maintain a variety of influence and manipulation. Contractors sometimes resist interference aimed at independence, expertise and professionalism. This paper offers some data based on an online survey among evaluators about the frequency, form and determinants of influencing evaluations. As a key result, influences on evaluator’s work occur often but usually subtle. However, particularly in certain policy areas even violations of the independence of evaluators happen and often desired effect (change in behavior) are reached.
Independence, Ethic, Exertion of Influence, Evaluation Practice
APA citation
Stockmann, R., Meyer, W. & Schenke H. (2011). Unabhängigkeit von Evaluationen. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 10(1), .