Alexandra Caspari

‚Rigorose‘ Wirkungsevaluation – methodische und konzeptionelle Ansätze der Wirkungsmessung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit


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Caused by the aid effectiveness debate and reinforced by the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda for Action the focus of policy makers worldwide is more and more on impact. In this context, it is the task of evaluations to provide reliably findings about the impact of projects and programs to identify evidence-based options for action for designing future interventions. In consequence, the topic ‚Impact Evaluation‘ got subject of international discussions – whereas the add-on ‚rigorous‘ provoke many debates: pivotal question is with which methodological and conceptual approaches the impact of interventions can be clearly assessed. The focus of approaches is on adequate evaluation designs. The article highlights the background of the old new question about the effectiveness of development cooperation and gives an overview of relevant evaluation designs.

APA citation
Caspari A. (2009). ‚Rigorose‘ Wirkungsevaluation – methodische und konzeptionelle Ansätze der Wirkungsmessung in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 8(2), .