Issue 1/2012, 104. Volume Page 71–87
Tobias Feldhoff, Luzia Durrer, Stephan Gerhard Huber
Governance of a School System
An Empirical Analysis of How Actors Perceive the Governance Configurations of the School System and How Th ey Want Its Future Configuration to Be
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This article shows exemplarily with regard to a Swiss canton, which is in a reform process, how new governance models in the school system can be analytically and empirically described by means of governance rulers. Therefore, the study uses different methodological approaches (document analyses of school laws and interviews of school actors about their appreciation of current governance configurations and those desired in the future). Furthermore, the article gives impulses beyond the study with regard to the potentials, which an analysis of governance rulers may have for educational research and educational administration in general.
governance, educational governance, action coordination
APA citation
Feldhoff, T., Durrer, L. & Huber S. (2012). Steuerung eines Schulsystems: Eine empirische Analyse, wie Akteure die Steuerungskonfigurationen des Schulsystems wahrnehmen und sich deren zukünftige Gestaltung wünschen. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 104(1), 71-87.