Katja Driesel-LangeErnst HanyBärbel KrackeNicola Schindler

Concepts and Quality Features of Career Guidance at Comprehensive Schools

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The transition from school to work is one of the most important developmental tasks of adolescents. Viewing vocational development as an individual process, vocational guidance should accommodate special needs of students, which differ even in comparison with classmates of the same age. Schools are asked to support pupils in their vocational development with interventions fitting the individual needs of girls and boys. Due to the lack of both, theoretical foundation and empirical evidence, we do not know enough about the critical ingredients of effective vocational interventions in schools. Despite that, individual guidance of vocational development can be seen as a major resource of support for young and inexperienced learners. Basically, a theoretical model is needed that emphasizes individual vocational development and describes phases as well as phase-adequate behavior of adolescents. This would allow the arrangement of vocational interventions based on the identification of individual needs. The development of the Thüringer Berufsorientierungsmodell (ThüBOM) facilitates the integration of individual perspectives and organizational contexts of vocational guidance in schools by postulating a complex model of vocational development and learning. Future research should address (1) the empirical test of the efficacy of vocational guidance activities, (2) the development of diagnostic measures and effective school-based trainings of career adaptability, and (3) the further theoretical foundation of vocational promotion in schools.

career guidance, career adaptability, vocational development, school development

APA citation
Driesel-Lange, K., Hany, E., Kracke, B. & Schindler N. (2011). Konzepte und Qualitätsmerkmale schulischer Berufsorientierung an allgemein bildenden Schulen. DDS – Die Deutsche Schule, 103(4), 312-325. https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART100194