Kalliope Vrinioti

Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kindergarten und Primarschule in Deutschland (Hessen) und in Griechenland. Eine empirisch-komparative Untersuchung der Einstellungen und der Zusammenarbeit von Kindergartenerzieher(inne)n und Primarschullehrer(inne)n in beiden Ländern

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The subject of the present research project is the cooperation between kindergarten and primary school teachers in Greece (Athens) and Germany (Frankfurt, Hessen). The pedagogical interest in this subject results form the fact that the cooperation between kindergarten and primary school is a condition of primary importance for the transition without problems of the children from kindergarten to the primary school. The attitudes and opinions concerning their mutual cooperation were investigated with a standardized questionnaire in Greek and German. Questions concerning conditions facilitating or impeding cooperation were also included into the questionnaire in view of the importance of cooperation for the normal transition of children from the kindergarten to the primary school. Some significant differences emerged from the comparison of the answers given by Greek and German kindergarten and primary school teachers.

APA citation
Vrinioti K. (2003). Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Kindergarten und Primarschule in Deutschland (Hessen) und in Griechenland. Eine empirisch-komparative Untersuchung der Einstellungen und der Zusammenarbeit von Kindergartenerzieher(inne)n und Primarschullehrer(inne)n in beiden Ländern. Tertium Comparationis, 9(2), . https://www.waxmann.com/artikelART100145