Issue 2/2015, 21. Volume Page 185–204
Marion Döll, Magdalena Knappik
Institutional mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion in Austrian pre-service teacher education
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Based on the Austrian government’s program of the XXIVth legislation period, which recommends to “offer incentives so that more qualified people with a migration background start pedagogical training,” 1 (Bundeskanzleramt, 2008, p. 203) the Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, the Arts and Culture funded a nationwide project named ‘Diversity and multilingualism in pedagogical professions’ to reduce the underrepresentation of teachers with a so-called migration background. 35 expert interviews were conducted with teachers of seven Austrian universities of education. This article gives a summary of the results of a secondary analysis; they are presented as a reconstruction of different ways of talking about teachers and teacher students in a context of migration and multilingualism, including attributions of specific responsibilities and de-qualifications of teachers seen as migrant others. The results show that language ideologies, in particular the concept of ‘native speakerism’ serve to legitimize gatekeeping measures.
APA citation
Döll, M. & Knappik M. (2015). Institutional mechanisms of inclusion and exclusion in Austrian pre-service teacher education. Tertium Comparationis, 21(2), 185-204.