Issue 1/2020, 19. Volume Page 65–83
Stefan Mathis-Edenhofer, Thomas Platz, Margot Peters, Sarah Ivansitz, Georg Spiel, Birgit Senft
Use of Routine Data in Evaluating Health-Related Measures
An Example of Data Triangulation of Evaluative and Routine Data
A secondary data evaluation enhances a primary study that evaluates a telemedical aftercare program by analysing the transferability; potentials of routine data are discussed. Methods: A controlled two-armed prospective intervention study (intervention group n=63, control group n=38) was conducted to evaluate a web-based rehabilitation follow-up (W-RENA) and the feasibility of a linkage with a secondary study (n=4,187) was examined. Results: There were less inpatient psychiatric hospital stays in the one-year follow-up of the intervention group compared to the control group. These results could be verified using the control group from routine data. Additionally, subgroup analyses by gender, age and morbidity were performed. Conclusion: Endpoints suitable for external validation can be derived from routine data. Further analy ses are limited by data protection, methodological and technical challenges.
Telemedicine, Routine Data, Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Triangulation
APA citation
Mathis-Edenhofer, S., Platz, T., Peters, M., Ivansitz, S., Spiel, G. & Senft B. (2020). Nutzung von Routinedaten bei der Evaluation gesundheitsbezogener Maßnahmen: Ein Beispiel für Datentriangulation von projektbezogenen Evaluationsdaten und Routinedaten. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 19(1), 65-83.