Thomas Kemper

The collection of migrational data in official school statistics in Germany


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The paper informs about the status of the collection of migrational data in official school statistics in the German federal states. The proportion of students without a German citizenship as well as students with migration background is presented and differentiated by the specific definition of migration background in the federal states. I discuss the validity and comparability of the definitions as well as limitations of merging the different federal to a national school statistic. Based on the available migration attributes the educational participation of students with migration background is analyzed – with a special focus on the attendance of upper secondary school (Gymnasium).

Migration; Migration background; Educational participation; School statistics; Citizenship; Foreign students

APA citation
Kemper T. (2017). Die schulstatistische Erfassung des Migrationshintergrundes in Deutschland. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 9(1), 144-168.