Issue 2/2019, 11. Volume Page 37–60
Manuela Frommelt, Isabelle Hugener, Kathrin Krammer
Fostering teaching-related analytical skills thrugh case-based learning with classroom viedos in initial teacher education
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The ability to analyze teaching is deemed to be crucial to successful adaptive classroom teaching. It requires teachers to use their professional knowledge for identifying significant teaching situations, for interpreting these situations in terms of student learning processes, and for considering possibilities for improvements. In our intervention study “Video Analysis in Teacher Education” (VideA), we applied a quasi-experimental pretest/posttest control-group design (N = 128 student teachers) for pursuing the question of whether teaching-related analytical skills can be fostered through analyzing one’s own or other teachers’ classroom videos. The intervention focused on three basic features of effective teaching (goal clarity, learning support, learning climate). For measuring the participants’ analytical skills, we used open questions and standardized rating items, all of which related to video clips. Content analyses of the comments on the open questions showed a significant increase in the ability to identify classroom situations that are relevant to student learning in both video groups whereas there was no change as regards the ability to suggest improvements in teaching and the ability to give reasons for why the identified situations were thought to be relevant. Moreover, our results indicate that there is a positive correlation between the ability to identify significant classroom situations and the ability to interpret them by referring to pertinent knowledge.
Analytical skills, Learning with classroom videos, Teacher education, Open and standardized measurement formats
APA citation
Frommelt, M., Hugener, I. & Krammer K. (2019). Fostering teaching-related analytical skills thrugh case-based learning with classroom viedos in initial teacher education. Journal for Educational Research Online (JERO), 11(2), 37-60.