Issue 1/2010, 9. Volume
Development of a Complex Three-Stage Evaluation Concept under Challenging Conditions: Evaluation of Students’ Performance in Laptop-Classes
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The paper describes the development and the application of a three-stage program evaluation procedure while explicitly defined aims of the program were missed. Nevertheless, the evaluators tried to meet the defined standards of evaluations even under such prevailing conditions. Concretely, the paper describes the evaluation of the pilot program ‚E-learning and E-teaching in laptop-classes‘, which has been carried out on behalf of the Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Culture. In the paper we describe 1) the planning and the realization of a workshop in order to define the stakeholders’ objectives, 2) the design of a specially tailored and ecologically valid assessment to measure the students’ performance, which is expected to have been improved through the program and 3) the enforcement of a post-hoc evaluation of changes in school processes due to the teaching in the laptop-classes. Finally, we discuss the evaluation study taking into consideration the recently published recommendations for clients of evaluations by the DeGEval.
Definition of Objectives, Laptop Classes, Performance Test, post-hoc Process Evaluation
APA citation
Spiel, C. & Popper V. (2010). Entwicklung eines komplexen dreistufigen Evaluationsdesigns unter schwierigen Rahmenbedingungen: Die Evaluation von Notebook-Klassen. Zeitschrift für Evaluation, 9(1), .