Beate BinderRoland Ibold

Images of Porajmos: Practices of cinematic remembrance and struggles for recognition in post-1989 Romania

Praktiken filmischer Erinnerung und Kämpfe um Anerkennung in Rumänien nach 1989


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Since 1989, a series of documentary films give account of the deportation of about 25.000 Rom*nja to Transnistria under the government of Antonescu. They thus take part in documenting the Romanian contribution to the Porajmos, to the persecution and annihilation of Rome*nja during the Second World War, through interviews with contemporary witnesses* and archive materials. Using three examples, this article discusses commonalities and differences between these films with regard to their background of origin, cinematic means of expression, and modes of reception and shows in which ways these films take part in the re-figuration of historical narratives and historical points of reference. This analysis is embedded in the question of the extent to which support the recognition struggles of Rom*nja in Romania beyond what is shown. Even if to a limited extent, the films can become a resonance space (made) in order to negotiate the continuity of the marginalization of Rome*nja. The analysis is based on the ethnographic accompaniment of film screenings in Romania and interviews with the filmmakers.

anthropological film analysis, politics of history, Holocaust, Roma, Romania

APA citation
Binder, B. & Ibold R. (2020). Porajmos im Bild: Praktiken filmischer Erinnerung und Kämpfe um Anerkennung in Rumänien nach 1989. Zeitschrift für Volkskunde, 116(1), 26-45.