Friedrich Schweitzer,
Wolfgang Ilg,
Peter Schreiner
Researching Non-Formal Religious Education in Europe
2019, 298 pages, paperback, 39,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-3856-9
With contributions by
Stefan Altmeyer,
Reinhold Boschki,
Leise Christensen,
Yauheniya Danilovich,
Wolfgang Ilg,
Martin Jäggle,
Judith Könemann,
Heid Leganger-Krogstad,
Rebecca Nowack,
Per Pettersson,
Martin Rothgangel,
Clauß Peter Sajak,
Thomas Schlag,
Peter Schreiner,
Friedrich Schweitzer,
Henrik Simojoki,
Kati Tervo-Niemelä,
Fahimah Ulfat,
Rahel Voirol-Sturzenegger,
Golde Wissner,
Lena Wolking,
Alexandra Wörn
It is the intention of this volume to strengthen the awareness of educational settings outside of school by bringing together research results and research perspectives from different European countries and by discussing the question what non-formal education means in terms of religious education.
The book includes presentations on specific research projects carried out by the authors themselves as well as summary accounts of the pertinent research from different countries. The chapters take up general questions of researching non-formal religious education as well as specific references to different programs such as youth work, Sunday School, kindergarten, confirmation work.
Please note the following correction: In the first print of the book one line has accidentally not been printed:
(cf. European Commission and Council of Europe 2004, 6) This line refers to the characteristics of non-formal (religious) education and links to the publication from 2004 (cf. p. 129).
In a reprint of the book, this mistake will be corrected.
Researching Non-Formal Religious Education in Europe makes a significant contribution to strengthening the importance of non-formal education in the field of religious education. It is to the credit of the editors and the many authors that the book impressively draws attention to the fact that non-formal education has so far received too little attention in research within most European countries, a gap into which they directly build through their contributions.
Helena Stockinger, in: Religious Education,