Exploring art in collaborationApr 2025

Lize KrielRunette KrugerBernadette Van HauteErnst Wagner (Editor)

Exploring art in collaboration

Visual cultures crossing borders

2025,  120  pages,  paperback,  with numerous coloured illustrations,  29,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-4969-5

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This book explores the work of art crossing borders, transforming them from ordering and excluding formations into zones where the possible might hatch. It comprises reports, case studies, projects, experiences and hypotheses that have emerged from inter-continental projects, dialogues and collaborations, and from imaginative crossings between the international and the local, between institutions and communities, between government and civil society, the traditional and the contemporary, memory and the future. In its own way, this book constitutes a space in-between, mobilising hybridity and agency to bring forth formerly unrealised possibilities in the spheres of art, art education and the every-day.

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