Marc J. de Vries,
Stefan Fletcher,
Stefan Kruse,
Peter Labudde,
Martin Lang,
Ingelore Mammes,
Charles Max,
Dieter Münk,
Bill Nicholl,
Johannes Strobel,
Mark Winterbottom
Future Prospects of Technology Education
2024, Center of Excellence for Technology Education (CETE), Band 4, 254 pages, paperback, 34,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-4781-3
With contributions by
Dury Bayram,
Veronika Becker,
Wulf Bödeker,
Esther Booth,
Ibrahim Delen,
Kadir Demir,
Marc J. de Vries,
Stefan Fletcher,
Gabriele Graube,
Hao He,
Alexander F. Koch,
Martin Lang,
Ingelore Mammes,
Charles Max,
Dieter Münk,
Phoebe Perlwitz,
Julia Pötzl,
Elise Quant,
Verena Rasp,
Alfred Riedl,
Jennifer Stemmann,
Johannes Strobel,
Ruurd Taconis
Volume IV of the CETE publication series, similar to the first three volumes, covers again an overly broad range of themes and scientific topics through an international authorship. Eleven articles in seven different chapters present the framework topic technology education with current research work from the disciplinary areas Digitization (1), Methodology and Design Technology (2), Gender (3), Diversity (4), Language (5), Curriculum Development (6) and, finally, International Communication in Technology Education – Developments (7).
With this publication series, the CETE project hopes to have made a substantial contribution to the further development of a young discipline and to the urgently needed international networking in the field of technology education.