International Teachers for Tomorrow's School

Renate SchüsslerSilke HachmeisterNadine AunerKatrijn D’HerdtOliver Holz (Editor)

International Teachers for Tomorrow's School

Opportunities and challenges of the professional re-entry of international teachers in selected European countries

2023,  208  pages,  paperback,  34,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-4719-6

With contributions by
Maria AleksandrovichNadine AunerLilith BeaujeanAndré BrandhorstMihaela BrumenVana ChiouKatrijn D’HerdtMatjaž DuhElisabeth GoemansCarina GökeSilke HachmeisterJerneja HerzogOliver HolzCherry HoptonNesrin Oruç ErtürkElectra PetracouGuðrún PétursdóttorGrzegorz PiekarskiRenate SchüsslerTomaž Zupančič

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Global migration movements are also reflected in classrooms. However, the professional re-entry of migrant teachers with and without a refugee background has been neglected for a long time. This publication, which was developed in the European project "International Teachers for Tomorrow's School" (ITTS), is dedicated to this question. In seven country contributions, the opportunities and challenges of returning to work in Belgium, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Poland, Slovenia and Türkiye are examined - for some of the countries, new ground was broken. It is shown which conditions favour, challenge or prevent a new professional start. In addition, the results of the cross-national ITTS study are presented, in which high satisfaction values are reflected among those teachers who succeeded in re-entering the profession despite many hurdles. Finally, the findings of the project are condensed into a series of hints and recommendations.

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