Friedrich Schweitzer,
Reinhold Boschki
Researching Religious Education: Classroom Processes and Outcomes
2018, Glaube – Wertebildung – Interreligiosität, Band 12, 424 pages, paperback, 49,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-3719-7
With contributions by
Trine Anker,
Ina ter Avest,
Reinhold Boschki,
Magda Bräuer,
Mette Buchardt,
James Conroy,
Rudolf Englert,
Matthias Gronover,
Philipp Klutz,
Thorsten Knauth,
Christian Knoblauch,
Martina Kumlehn,
Marie von der Lippe,
Martin Losert,
Christhard Lück,
Rebecca Nowack,
Christina Osbeck,
Uta Pohl-Patalong,
Antti Räsänen,
Ulrich Riegel,
Martin Rothgangel,
Christina Salmen,
Robert Schelander,
Thomas Schlag,
Henning Schluß,
Hanne Schnabel-Henke,
Friedrich Schweitzer,
Friederike Strohm,
Fahimah Ulfat,
Dörthe Vieregge,
Georg Wagensommer,
Joachim Willems
With contributions from eight European countries, the volume brings together approaches and research experiences that try to follow this lead by offering new and empirically based perspectives for the future improvement of teaching and learning in this school subject.
Whoever is interested in improving the practice of Religious Education then, will not be able to bypass the question of researching processes and outcomes – an insight which also refers to a small but growing number of studies in this field which can be identified in several countries.
It is rare, in my experience, to find a book that is so informative and so well framed by the editors, to leave the reader both informed and wanting to know more, both knowledgeable and thoughtful, both full of research and wanting to participate in more research. I welcome this volume, and applaud its breadth and depth.
Julian Stern, in: British Journal of Religious Education 2/2019, p. 236.
Die Religionspädagogik ist auf einem guten Weg, sich als empirisch ausgerichtete Wissenschaftsdisziplin auch europäisch weiter zu profilieren. Davon zeugt der vorliegende Sammelband. [...] [Er] markiert insgesamt einen wichtigen Schritt zu internationaler Kooperation von Wissenschaftler*innen mit vergleichbaren Interessen und Forschungsausrichtungen.
Peter Schreiner, in: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie 4/2018, S. 431-434.