Christian Hofer,
Barbara Schröttner,
Daniela Unger-Ullmann
Akademische Lehrkompetenzen im Diskurs
A Discourse on Academic Teaching Competencies
Theorie und Praxis
Theory and Practice
2013, 308 pages, paperback, 34,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-2578-1
With contributions by
Andrea Bernhard,
Carole Bourgadel,
Anja Burkert,
Eva Cendon,
Beate Dallmeier,
Rudolf Egger,
Andreas Fleischmann,
Caroline Hein,
Christian Hofer,
Anna Kanape-Willingshofer,
Werner Lenz,
Anita Mörth,
Faustin Mutwarasibo,
Kristina Neuböck,
Doris Pany,
Ada Pellert,
Barbara Schröttner,
Eva Seidl,
Birgit Simschitz,
Angelika Thielsch,
Daniela Unger-Ullmann
Learner-centred and competence-oriented approaches have long since made their way into institutions of higher learning. There is, however, still a need for research on the practical consequences. What competencies are necessary to be able to implement learner-centred and competence-oriented teaching? Does the change in academic concepts of education lead us to a new understanding of teachers and the role they play? What challenges does academic continuing education face? With this in mind, the authors turn their attention to the development of teacher competencies. They present, discuss and reflect in particular on theoretical and academic concepts on topics concerning university didactics, education and resource management, research on language learning and language teaching.