Piekarski, Grzegorz
Grzegorz Piekarski, PhD, pedagogue, adjunct professor at the Department of General Pedagogy and Basic Education of the Institute of Pedagogy of the Pomeranian University in Sł upsk. Director of the Institute of Pedagogy of the Pomeranian University in Sł upsk. Scientific interests: gender and studies on LGBTQ+, social work theory, social-civic education, voluntary work and (re)organisation of the educational environment.
ORCID: 0000-0002-5822-0239
Publications at WAXMANN:
Internationale Lehrkräfte für die Schule von morgen
Chancen und Herausforderungen des beruflichen Wiedereinstiegs internationaler Lehrkräfte in ausgewählten europäischen Ländern
2023, 226 pages, paperback, 34,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-4718-9
International Teachers for Tomorrow's School
Opportunities and challenges of the professional re-entry of international teachers in selected European countries
2023, 208 pages, paperback, 34,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-4719-6
International Insights: Equality in Education
2019, 246 pages, paperback, 39,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-4022-7