Mithans, Gašper

Dr. Gašper Mithans works as a Research Fellow at the Science and Research Centre Koper (Slovenia). He graduated in Cultural Studies and Social Anthropology (2007) at the University of Primorska, Faculty of Humanities in Koper and holds PhD degree in History (2012) at the same institution. His research interests lie in the fields of History of Religions and History of the interwar Yugoslavia. He led a European project funded by the Europe for citizens programme (Burnt in memories) and recently concluded research on interreligious relations and conversions in interwar Slovenia for his postdoctoral project.

Prediger, Charismatiker, Berufene

Prediger, Charismatiker, Berufene

Rolle und Einfluss religiöser Virtuosen

2018,  252  pages,  paperback,  mit zahlreichen Abbildungen,  29,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-3668-8