Haring, Minna
Minna Haring has been a lecturer, class teacher and teacher trainer at the University Teacher Training School in Joensuu, University of Eastern Finland (UEF), since 2001. Prior to that she was a researcher in the Faculty of Education. She has M.Ed. and Ph.D. from the University of Joensuu; her dissertation was on the pedagogical thinking of pre-school and primary school teachers. For several years she was the Primary School Vice Principal and she is the School’s coordinator for teaching practice in teacher training. She has published articles on Finnish primary education and given presentations on the Finnish school system at conferences.
Publications at WAXMANN:
Portfolioarbeit phasenübergreifend gestalten
Konzepte, Ideen und Anregungen aus der LehrerInnenbildung
2016, 248 pages, paperback, 24,90 €, ISBN 978-3-8309-3427-1