Kiyonaga, Nobumasa

Dr. Nobumasa Kiyonaga is Professor of Art Theory in the Faculty of Art of the University of East Asia in Shimonoseki, Japan. Following a degree in Social Studies for School Education, Art Education and Art Science at the University of Yamaguchi and Hiroshima University, Dr. Kiyonaga completed his doctorate under the supervision of Wolfgang Legler in the Department of Educational Science at the University of Hamburg in 2007 with his thesis on “Alfred Lichtwark: Art Education as Cultural Politics” (Munich, Kopaed Publishers, 2008). He has worked at the University of East Asia since 2011. His research focuses on the areas of the development of discourse on Aesthetic Education, or Art Education, Cultural Education in Contemporary Germany and the History of Art and Cultural Politics in the German Empire.

1001 Ways of Seeing

1001 Ways of Seeing

2024,  176  pages,  paperback,  29,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-4845-2

Guiding the Eye

Guiding the Eye

Visual Literacy in Art Museums

2019,  178  pages,  paperback,  29,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-4112-5