Gómez, Leila

Leila Gómez is associate professor of Latin American and Comparative literature at the University of Colorado, Boulder. She specializes in travel narratives about Latin America and their relation to informal empires and knowledge in Europe and North America. She studies the travels of scientists, archaeologists, photographers, and writers. Among her books are Iluminados y tránsfugas. Relatos de viajeros y fi cciones fundaciones en Argentina, Paraguay y Perú (Iberoamericana Vervuert 2009), La piedra del escándalo. Darwin en Argentina (1845–1909) (Simurg 2008, editor), Darwin in Argentina (Major Texts 1845–1909) (Bucknell UP 2011, editor), Entre Borges y Conrad: Estética y territorio en W. H. Hudson (Iberomericana Vervuert 2012, editor with Sara Castro-Klarén), and Teaching Gender through Latin American, Spanish and Latino Literature and Culture (Sense Publishers 2015, editor with Asunción Horno-Delgado, Mary Long and Núria Silleras).

Travel, Agency, and the Circulation of Knowledge

Travel, Agency, and the Circulation of Knowledge

2017,  316  pages,  paperback,  34,90 €,  ISBN 978-3-8309-3567-4